DCL Announcements: Captains please join this facebook group
https://www.facebook.com/groups/432799270128387/ receive announcements regarding new tournaments/activities. All announcements are being posted on this facebook group. If you have problemsjoining the facebook group please call me at 972-814-3921
SUMMER 2013 Tournament: Registration OPEN! Do Not delay your registration as we are very serious about closing the registration on time this year. If your teams plans on playing in the summer league please act immediately and register your team. Ifyou dont register in Summer tournament and you plan to play in DCL again, your team will have to start in the bottom most division. You absolutely cannot play in the same division.
FAQ: We know we are still in the middle of Spring season, why are we starting the summer tournament
on May 4th?
Ans: The summer tournament is starting early to use all the grounds assigned to Dallas Cricket League and for the teams that will not be part of the Top 16 teams in the Spring 2013.
Tournament schedule will be released in four phases
Phase 1 schedule will be released
on Thursday May 2nd 2013! for the first two weeks only (for the teams not participating in Spring 2013)
Phase 2 schedule will be released
on Thursday May 16th 2013 (After the Quarter Finals of Spring 2013)
Phase 2 schedule will be released
on Thursday May 23rd 2013 (After the Semi Finals of Spring 2013)
Phase 3 Final complete summer schedule will be released
on Thursday June 6th 2013 (After the Finals of Spring 2013)
Summer 2013 Tournament has started. Please click on the tournament link from the home page to visit the tournament section and register your team for the tournament.
Please pay the Registration fee using paypal or credit card at the direct link below
Registration Start Date: Friday , April 19, 2013
Registration End Date:
Thursday , April 25, 2013 @ 5 PM! Or As soon as we get 30 teams
Tournament Start Date:
Saturday, May 04, 20113
Tournament End Date:
Sunday, August 18, 2013